Fold an Easy Origami Christmas Tree

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What could Christmas be without an origami Christmas tree…probably just fine.  I mean seriously Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, so instructions for Christmas tree origami rank pretty low on the necessary for the holiday celebrations.  But I still like making a few simple origami models around this festive time of year.  This is one of my go-to for a quick back up Christmas card.  You can fold this in about 30 seconds and then glue it to card stock and voila–Christmas Origami Card.

For this this origami and if you want to make the origami Christmas tree card you will need

  • the video above  (of course)
  • one 6 inch by 6 inch piece of origami paper, green both sides is best –I use one with a white side for easier instruction
  • one 8.5″ x 11″ piece of white cardstock paper, cut in half (8.5″ x 5.5″)
  • glue stick
  • almost not patience needed –it’s that easy and origami

green and white paper chistmas trees

I have to admit that this is more kids craft than origami, but I did use it my post about how to play the Hallmark Christmas Movie Chocolate game. My awesome friend Emily made the printable and it was her idea to use images of origami I actually made in it.  How clever is that? So my Christmas Tree origami is featured on there.

I really do find this origami a quick way to make a paper Christmas card.  I find that having those on hand almost never happens for me. I mean who uses actual Christmas cards any more….see my rant/philosophical discussion about if Christmas Cards Even Matter Anymore.

If you prefer the picture instructions I have included those below.  Usually I like diagrams, because I can whip past the easy parts and pay attention to the tricks. But this is really an EASY  origami tree so you probably don’t need more than these photos.  But I made a video, cause that’s how I roll

If you liked this Christmas Origami Tree you might enjoy my other origami and Christmas posts

Easy foldChristmas #origami

Annette Barney

Annette Barney

I live in the mountains of Utah. Yes, I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I love hot pink, XC skiing, running, hot chocolate, yoga, romance novels,traveling for fun, volunteering and, of course, origami. I am a woman, a mom, a wife and a daughter of God. I believe that everything tastes better with a little bacon or a little chocolate but not both.