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3 Phone Experiences at Universal Orlando
Find the 3 phone attractions of Universal Orlando. They are in 2 parks and make for a fun find while you are visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and the rest of the resort.

What to know if you haven’t been to Disney World in 10 years
10 years and many things can chagne at Disneyworld. Here’s what you should know if it’s been tat long since you have gone.

Questions for Goblin at Gringott’s Money Exchange
The goblin at Gringotts money exchange in Universal Orlando’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter answers questions, but the best answers require good questions. 5 questions and answers to try on your visit.

How to Fold Money Origami Baby Booties
Use this video tutorial for how to fold a money origami baby bootie as your next baby shower gift.

Dollar Bill Origami Heart with Flower
Fold this dollar bill origami heart with a flower design in the middle. great as a wedding fits or just for fun.

Fast Dollar Bill Origami Heart
Make this quick and easy dollar bill origami heart for a very last-minute gift idea. Fastest origami you’ll ever do.

Peppermint Bark Cookies Recipe
Quick to make peppermint bark cookies that are easy to prepare and no-bake. Peppermint bark but a christmas cookie

Easy Breakfast Mug Cake with Pancake Mix
Every since my daughter found the moistest chocolate mug cake recipe on Pinterest our house hold has enjoyed individual portions of dessert from a mug. This past week my son gets the credit for helping us discover a new favorite: breakfast in a mug. So naturally we are sharing the

Cookbook Club with the Pioneer Woman Come and Get it
Reviewing the Pioneer Woman Come and Get it, taught me more about the universality of the human condition than any of our other cookbooks. Its choice, its recipes and our club members response to it made me realize that no matter the person, sometimes it all comes down to, “the

Reasons Adults Visit Disney World…without kids
There are great reasons to visit Disney World as an adult….Without your kids the parks are a different place. And here is some reasons why.

Hallmark Christmas Movie Chocolate Game
Christmas season means one thing to me. Cheesey Hallmark Christmas Movies!!!! I absolutely love Christmas movies when they are completely predictable and very happy in the end. This is hardly surprising since I love Romance Novels. My daughter likes to watch them with me. My husband likes that I enjoy

Empty Nester Bucket List
I am so, soooo, close to empty nest that I may as well start telling you all about my empty nest journey. It’s been a shocker and wonderful at the same time. I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last 20 years. This is a major career pivot, to