Pandora-land (not the official name) at Disney World is amazing. If you didn’t know that you must check out FaveMom’s post about what you can learn from Pandora. One of the rides is the Na’vi River Journey. You will take an adventure into exploring the jungles of Pandora and meet the shaman and it will amaze you. Favemom said she could tell the difference between it and real person, even though she already knew it was a new age animatronic. Disney magic is alive and real. All this talk about cruising down a river and seeing amazing things got me wondering if we could fold our own Na’vi river origami boat. Now if you check out this photo the boats in the real river journey are amazing intricate rafts.

It’s amazing to me how well rides are planned out, the rafts look so real. For our origami boat we creating something more like a canoe or a kayak. This is mainly to make the folds easier and the result more interesting. Recreating that amazing bio luminescence is still something I am working on. Cause seriously, how cool is that. My boat is the signature blue of the Na’vi people. And I love that. Director James Cameron explained that he made the Na’vi people blue because he wanted to keep them humanoid so viewers would identify with them, but to have a distinct difference and green alien was taken by the martian archetype.
I will be honest that I will never be able to recreate the shaman, but Disney World did a stunning job at how life like she is. I wonder if she will have a character stop in DisneyWorld? –yeah, probably not. But thankfully you can see her from the Na’vi River Journey.

While I can’t be sailing down the Na’vi river right now, I am happy to fold my way to a few new boats and enjoy the videos of the pandora world on the web. While I do that you should book a trip to DisneyWorld’s Animal Kingdom and post a pic of you enjoying Pandora without me. Cause I am a glutton for punishment.