Beauty and the Beast Grey Stuff Recipe

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You know you want it, a Disney recipe.  A grey stuff recipe. You, like me, have seen all the new things out about the Beauty and the Beast live action movie and what is the most quoted line from the movie?  (after, “Gaston, you are positively primeval”)

Grey stuff recipe

“Try the gray stuff, it’s delicious.  Don’t believe me?  Ask the dishes.”

Said by our lovable Lumiere, that French Casanova of the enchanted palace.  He made us all wonder, “What is the grey stuff?”  “Does it taste delicious?”  “How do I get a grey stuff recipe?” and “Why don’t my dishes talk?”  (it’s obvious why my candelabra doesn’t talk–I don’t own a candelabra).  You can get it at the Be our Guest Dinner in Walt Disney World, but we can’t always be in Disney World (but don’t we we wish we could?)

grey stuff recipe beatersI was excited to make this recipe, because I love black licorice and grey means a lighter form of black right?  So I got licorice pieces, I got black jelly beans, I got anise extract (that’s the spice name for licorice extract).  I started making licorice frosting.  That’s when my smarter side started to pay attention.  The grey stuff is supposed to be delicious.  And black licorice is delicious….to me, but not to most everyone else I know.  And especially not to most kids (a serious lack of quality taste buds on their part IMHO).  Thus I was left with the question.

How to make a grey stuff recipe without licorice?

Oreos in grey stuff recipe
oreos the secret “grey” ingredient

Oreos, oreos are the gray stuff.  And what isn’t delicious about chocolate crumbs in frosting?  Yeah, nothing! So I crumble some cookies and make a delicious grey stuff recipe for my cupcakes.   Not a licorice recipe.  (Why don’t more people like licorice flavor?)  So now you can try the grey stuff it’s delicious, but don’t ask my dishes (they still don’t talk).

Make your own Grey Stuff from the Beauty and Beast Movie. Recipe on blog and so easy to make.



Annette Barney

Annette Barney

I live in the mountains of Utah. Yes, I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I love hot pink, XC skiing, running, hot chocolate, yoga, romance novels,traveling for fun, volunteering and, of course, origami. I am a woman, a mom, a wife and a daughter of God. I believe that everything tastes better with a little bacon or a little chocolate but not both.