When you are reading a book and you need a bookmark just fold an origami corner bookmark. Now this may not come up as much given our move to ebooks, but turns out sometimes I read a real book. Do you prefer ebooks to real books. Honestly, I do too. And this is mainly because the Kindle saved my marriage. OK that’s a bit of an exaggeration. My marriage wasn’t actual in danger, but my husband was gonna get seriously cranky.
I love to read right before bed. It’s a pretty common thing to calm the mind and prepare for sleep. My husband on the other hand has minimal bedtime routine. He pretty much changes for bed, lays down and goes to sleep. Are you seeing how this isn’t going to go well?
You see if I am reading I have my bedside light on. And while my husband can get to sleep fairly easy, he doesn’t do it so well when I have 1000 lumens of light shining in our usually pitch black room. When I say our room is pitch black, it’s pretty close. We have light blacking shades. We don’t ahve nightlights and most of the time I stub my toes getting to the bathroom at night.
As my husband patiently rolled away from the light, I realized that perhaps my habit of reading –and often reading too long (darn those regency novels for sucking me in every time)–I decided to get one of those cute itty bitty book lights. That way he would be so bothered by the light.
I got that and I will tell you the truth it worked great for me. But it was still a rather bright light. Also I was required to sit up with my book. The light clipped on great, but my habit of reading on my side while laying down didn’t work with the itty bitty book light.
Thus one Christmas I gave myself (our gift giving situation at christmas is pretty much buy your own) a Kindle fire. And that has been the best things ever for his sleep and our marriage. I can read my books and he isn’t bothered in the least by the light in night mode. I could read laying on my side.
But for all those times I can’t borrow ebooks or refuse to buy them, I have to make bookmarks. Cause I don’t get into the books again as quickly. So I fold me a quick and easy corner bookmark. I like that it has a low profile in the book. The heart one is just fun to use in romance novels.
Books featured in these videos:
Mustaches for Maddie by Shelly Brown and Chad Morris
BookMark #1
Quick Origami Corner Book Mark
If you want something a little larger you can make
Bookmark #2
Origami Corner Bookmark Large
And since I love romance novels, I have one bookmark that has a heart design on it. Cause that just makes the reading even more fun.