GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 – #GotGVol2 rocking character posters are here. I couldn’t wait to share them with you and tell you about the upcoming GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 – #GotGVol2 Event that my girls are covering. Follow along with them on their blogs and on social media. Joyce from, Tessa from, and Jana from will be covering the event from 4/18-4/21!!! Make sure you follow along while they give us the inside scoop.
There is a brand new special look in honor of the advanced tickets now being available as well as some rocking character posters. I do plan to rock out to my music mix since mixed tapes are no longer in existence. Well, they exist, but I doubt they sound that great. 😉
Star-Lord is my son’s absolute favorite character on the planet. In fact, when asked who his favorite actor was, without skipping a beat, said Chris Pratt.
Gamora empowers women. She’s one woman I wouldn’t want to mess with on my best day, let alone my worst. HAHA You don’t mess with assassins especially gymnastics ones.
Drax the Destoyer is oddly hysterical. His psychic ability to detect others scares me. My favorite part of the preview besides the music and Baby Groot was Drax saying, “She just told everyone your deepest darkest secret. You must be so embarrassed. Do me! Do me!”
Yondu is a space pirate in charge of “The Ravagers” which will be interesting if we see them.
Baby Groot is my all time favorite Guardians of the Galaxy character. I have a Groot that sings on my Christmas Tree, I have a Baby Groot plush on my bed and anytime I see Baby Groot or Groot I purchase it. I wore a I AM GROOT shirt to Disney World. I’m obsessed with the so-called angry tree.
Rocket Raccoon is the sarcastic friend we all have that no one says anything too because they always say what we’re thinking but, don’t want to say. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – #GotGVol2 does a great job of comic relief and it’s not forced at all. It truly seems to come natural to the actors.
I can’t say much about these characters as we’ve not met them in Guardians of the Galaxy and I’ve not seen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yet.
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GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 is in theaters on May 5th!