Giuliana & Bill Season Premiere Next Tuesday

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Giuliana & Bill Season Premiere next Tuesday at 8/7c on the Style Network! (Yes, I’m doing some of the same moves you saw Giuliana performing tonight.) I’ve got the lawn mower, the sprinkler, the robot, etc. going on over here. Giuliana and Bill are two of the sweetest and most inspirational people. Giuliana & Bill: Rancic Rewind Special was on tonight.

The Rancics create a home video for baby Duke to tell him the story of their family. If you missed the touching special tonight, don’t miss the premiere next Tuesday!!! Giuliana & Bill share the good, the bad, the difficult, the hard, and the ugly. They demonstrate what it’s like to be a real couple. I love that they’re completely real and Catholic. Score 1 for Catholics. LOL I can’t be happier that they are back again.

Bill Rancic and Giuliana Rancic home video in Duke’s Nursery at E!News.

You will see the Stokke Sleepi System and Joovy Spoon really well in this video posted below. I am the responsible party behind those. Why, yes, yes, I am. I’m the best pseudo Aunt in the world. Didn’t you know? After all, they don’t call me FaVe Mom for nothing. I wanted Baby Duke to have only the best.

Before Giuliana was even expecting Duke, she’s be generous and continues to be generous to my military charity Celebrate the Military Child, that when I found out she was expecting, I wanted to repay her generosity and kindness. I met her through Michelle Penn, a talented musician who sings the Welcome Me Home song. She has also donated so generously to not just Celebrate the Military Child but Operation Shower.

You see, any couple that fought as hard as they did to have a child, deserve not only the very best, but for people to applaud them for being so strong through the entire process. I would like to believe that I’m strong. I mean after all my husband deploys for years at a time, and I have to maintain the household, without any assistance. Yet, I’m telling you right here and right now that I could not have went through what Giuliana & Bill had to go through. #GandB are a rock solid couple with rock solid strength.

Baby Duke is just so precious and God blessed Baby Duke with the perfect parents. Giuliana and Bill make amazing parents. Regardless of how much they work, Giuliana & Bill make it work and are with their son. I wanted to offer my expertise as a baby product fanatic to Giuliana & Bill as a thank you. Giuliana set up a time with me and I took all of the best baby products to her office for Baby Duke. I’ll post about each one of those products separately in upcoming posts. She was so appreciative and kind. I honestly love her.

This brings me to Mommy guilt, which I felt often while working so many jobs and having children that need my attention. I some how always managed to make it work. I’ll be talking about Mommy guilt in an upcoming post as well. No one warns a mother about Mommy guilt. Everyone tells you about the technical stuff, but no one wants to mention that big egg in the closet. I’m here to tell you that guilt is a wasted emotion and as easy as it is to say, it’s much more difficult to make it disappear. I can’t wait for next week’s Season Premiere.


Until next time.



I live between our Nation's Capital and North Carolina, love daisies, giraffes, purple, polka dots, Diet Mountain Dew, Doritos, and guns. Not necessarily in that order. I know that I’m very unoriginal and fit most cliches. I won’t try to deny it if you ask me. Ill-advised, indiscreet, and injudicious individuals infuriate I.